Friday, 3 May 2013

Our first Wwoof

As we had seen Ireland and Northern Ireland faster than we had anticipated, we thought we would work a few days on a farm to fill in some time. Paul arranged for us to go to a farm about 30 minutes from Glasgow. As this was our first time wwoofing we really didn't know what to expect and we really could not have asked for a better place to start than this farm.
The family were so lovely and by the end of the four days, we were actually growing quite attached to the farm, including the family, animals and believe it or not the plants! haha. Our first mission, which we did accept, was clearing weeds, planting squash seeds and picking leeks that were ready to be eaten. Luckily we were working inside the poly tunnels so it was nice and warm, and we always had Sammy the dog keeping a close eye on us (just in case we felt like playing ball at any given second).
Up and raring to go for the second day, we helped the farm by planting beans, tomatoes and sweet corn in the morning and in the afternoon we helped with the sheep as they needed to be held while their feet were being trimmed and they were being drenched and marked. Paul was the man of the moment with catching the sheep (I was hopeless at this!) And one of our last jobs was collecting the eggs from the hens house and packing them to be sold in the shop. Another day down and another one we thoroughly enjoyed. We also thought as we had been so good we would treat ourselves to a beer in the town of Linlithgow and that beer went down a treat!
Our last full day on the farm saw us planting more vegetables, courgettes, green and red peppers and more sweet corn. In the afternoon we helped to make up orders of fruit and veges to be delivered and cleaned the buckets that go out to customers.
We really enjoyed our time on the farm and hanging out with the animals as well (because I am now officially obsessed with lambs and sheep!) So thank you for having us and cooking us lovely dinners, we really loved our first time wwoofing. Oh, and thank you for the lovely fruit, veges, meat and dressing you gave us, safe to say it has all been eaten!

On our evening walk around the farm with Sammy :)
Wind turbines on the farm
Highland cattle

Cute little Shetland horse - he/she came over as we walked past

Some of the cattle


Paul with the beans that we planted

Topping up the water and feed

Feeding the little lamb!


Making sure their pens are topped up

Collecting the eggs... obviously


  1. Farmer Murphy good look

    1. Thanks, feels good to be working with animals :)
